Is there anything better than cultivating your own vegetables, harvest them and process it by yourself? Cucumbers, radish, salad and tomatoes, everything thrives and prospers perfectly at this warm temperature. Especially tomatoes are modest plants which can be easily cultivated even by beginners. With regular watering and a sunny place on your balcony or terrace you can soon harvest tasty read bullets.
Did you know that the tomato fruit, similarly like the cucumber, is actually a berry? It is therefore a fruit and a vegetable at the same time.
The tomato plant belongs to the class of the solanums, same as aubergines, potatoes and paprika. Also the origin of its name seems interesting to me. The term tomato is derived from the Aztec word xitomatl, in Austria you call it Paradeiser or Paradiesapfel (paradise apple) and in Italy it is known as pomodoro (literally golden apple). Funny that in Italy and Austria you associate it with an apple. Continue Reading…