Today, I would like to surprise you with another healthy Kefir recipe.
The good part about it that we serve the delicious soup cold again. Even though I wrote the reason why it is served cold several times before, here comes the healthy aspect for our new readers:
If we don’t cook or heat up the Kefir products, the lactic acid bacteria and yeasts stay active and alive.
The result is a probiotic kefir soup which is very interesting for people who suffer from digestive disorders or even people who had an antibiotic therapy. I think you already know a lot about that topic but you can read more about it on our Blog or on our website.
This soup is going to be something very special with one versatile ingredients: Beetroot
Beetroot is well known among athlets. Some of them enjoy their daily beetroot juice to strengthen their bodies and to increase their athletic performances. Beetroot is a beet that contains the dye betanin, where its powerful red colour comes from. But this isn’t all: Betanin supports your body and strengthens your immune system. Moreover, beetroot contains B-vitamins, iron an folic acid. Because of those significant characteristics, beetroot is also well known as a powerful source of strength and for keeping you young for a very long time.
Enough theory for today.
This is what you need for your recipe:
- 500gr Beetroot
- 200ml organic Kefir made from organic live kefir cultures – Click here for organic kefir
- 2 Eggs
- 150gr Radish
- ½ Salad Cucumber
You have all of your ingredients?
This is how it’s done:
- Put the sliced beetroot into a bow and blend it with a hand blenderIf you don’t get fresh rootbeet at the supermarket it is okay to take the rootbeet filled in a glass. For all those people who love to have some extra thick rootbeet peaces inside their soup: put some sliced rootbeet extra pieces into the soup in the end.When I was searching for the right recipe, I found rootbeet powder which is made of dried rootbeet. This is a perfect ingredient for your smoothie. This is where you can find the product*.
- Now, mix your rootbeet well with Kefir. Slice up the Radish and Salad Cucumber and add it to the soup
How thick or thin you slice your vegetables is up to you. - Add some salt and pepper
- Put all together in a bowl
Decorate the soup with some mint leaves and boiled eggs.
Put the sliced beetroot into a bow and blend it with a hand blender Now, mix your rootbeet well with Kefir Slice up the Radish and Salad Cucumber and add it to the soup Add some salt and pepper Put all together in a bowl. Decorate the soup with some mint leaves and boiled eggsA cold Beetroot Kefirsoup - a probiotic kefir taste
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Enjoy your meal!
Soups with milk kefir are my absolute favourite ones. Those vital ingredients and the extraordinary taste are making the soup something very special.
I wish you a lot of fun by making this recipe and I am very excited to hear your opinions about cold milk kefir. I would love to see some comments about your favourite recipes with milk kefir and how you liked mine.
I am looking forward to see you again for my next recipes.
Watch this video and many more regarding Kefir and Kombucha on my Youtube channel…
* This is an Affiliate-Link – Affiliate-Links are sponsored Links
Beate Siegel
Tuesday February 7th, 2017 at 09:39 AMHallo – tolles Rezept! Als kleine Ergänzung wäre vielleicht hilfreich, dass die rote Bete vor dem Pürieren gekocht sein sollte. Rohe rote Bete zu pürieren macht nicht so viel Spaß 😉
Tuesday February 7th, 2017 at 03:03 PMHallo liebe Beate,
ein guter Hinweis – erhöht die Lebensdauer des Mixers ungemein 🙂
Vielen Dank und weiterhin viel Spaß mit meinen Rezepten!
Liebe Grüße, Petra