Water kefir - How to easy brew Water Kefir at home?
Water kefir - manufacturing, tips and tricks - Is it hard to make my own water kefir?
The manufacturing of water kefir is quite simple! You can also make your probiotic fitness drink at home with less effort. We have developed a detailed tutorial for you - also available as youtube video.
All about Kefir and Kombucha @ Youtube
Valuable Tipps and frequently asked questions around the cultures kombucha and kefir you will find on our youtube channel.
Visit us on Youtube - just click here and learn more
Study our simple and concise tutorial to make water kefir or read the detailed one.
You can also download the whole guidance - just click here
How is water kefir produced?
In the previous articles we already informed you about what kefir actually is, why should you drink it and where water kefir comes from - now we continue with the practice. We will show you step by step how you get your delicious beverage with the help of japanese water crystals respectively kefir grains as they are also called. It is quite simple, but nevertheless several things have to be observed. This is necessary for the crystals to sustainably make kefir for a you and this allows you to benefit from the extraordinary effects. In a best case scenario the kefir mushrooms, as they are also called will make kefir for you for a life time. Within our articles we talk in this context of a bond for life.
Please read the instruction about the manufacturing of water kefir in a simple and concise form or in the detailed variant. You can also easily download the tutorial - just click here
Those who consider drinking water kefir just need real live japanese water crystals, sugar, dried fruits, lemon slices and a guidance to make the kefir soda - and you are ready to go. With the ready kefir drink (kefir soda) you got a drink that nobody else has (except of course other water kefir friends). It is a perfect eye catcher - especially when you invite friends and want to serve something special.
What do I need to produce my own Water Kefir? Easy and short guide
At least 30g organic live water kefir grains (japanese water crystals, tibicos)
80g original Natural-Kefir-Drinks sugar
30g original Natural-Kefir-Drinks dried fruits (organic but at least not sulphurated)
2 lemon slices (organic but at least untreated)
1 litre water
One fermentation tank made from plastic, glass or ceramic
One rubber band
1 sheet of wrapping film (not breathable) to cover the fermentation vessel
One sieve made from plastic
One spoon made from plastic
One funnel made from plastic
One glass or a bottle
How do I make one litre water kefir on my own? The guidance simple and concise for you
Fill the vessel with the desired volume of water, add about 80 g sugar per litre and stir it until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Add the water kefir grains (30g or 2-3 Tablespoons) without the water kefir drink.
Add the dried fruits and the thin slices of lemon.
Now cover the vessel with the wrapping film and the elastic band - the formed carbonic acid must be able to escape (!).
Place it to at a place at room temperature.
After 1 - 3 days the fermentation process has completed and you can fill it into another glass or into bottles. Remove the dried fruits and the slices of lemon.
Rinse the water kefir grains thoroughly with cold to lukewarm water.
Clean the fermentation vessel thoroughly with washing up liquid and subsequently rinse it with hot water. Now you can start again from step one.
You are new in water kefir production?
You just need to order our complete water kefir starter kit. In this package everything you need to start your water kefir production at home is included! Just unpack it and get started.
â–º Just click here to get to our complete Water Kefir Starter Kit!
It is perfect for your own and moreover an ideal gift for your friends. We frequently experience that customer order the grains for partner, parents and grandparents. Many elderly people are very pleased about a kefir or kombucha package because they often know it from their childhood connected wonderful memories with these tiny grains.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
How to make your own delicious water kefir lemonde?
The detailed tutorial with many tips and tricks
If you compare the manufacturing of water kefir with the help of real water kefir grains with milk kefir (tibetan mushroom) and the kombucha tee (kombucha tea fungus) one understands immediately that water kefir and kombucha tea is similar with regard to effort . Milk kefir is simplest and most uncomplicated possibility to get your fermeted drink.
All you need to make 1 litre water kefir is:
At least 30g organic live water kefir grains (japanese water crystals, tibicos)
At this point it is about making 1 litre water kefir. For the start 30g japanes water crystals are sufficient.
The grains grow rapidly and soon you will have much more than 30g available. The more grains involved in the process the faster the whole fermentation process is done.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
80g original Natural-Kefir-Drinks.de sugar
With regard to sugar you have the choice between different types. You can use ordinary white refined sugar, brown sugar, row cane sugar, whole cane sugar, coconut blossom sugar, agave syrup, sugar beet syrup just to mention a few. Depending on your intended taste and fermentation duration you can use more or less sugar.
We wrote an interesting article about sugar and which type is most suitable for making water kefir - click here and learn more.
We offer suitable high quality sugar for successfully making water kefir at home.
Click on the pictures or follow us here to the different types of sugar.
Suitable types of sugar for successfully make your own tasty fermented drink your can of course find in our shop. Just click here and get your favourite organic sugar.
30g original Natural-Kefir-Drinks dried fruits (organic but at least not sulphurated)
You should use at least 30g of your favourite dried fruit for the kefir batch. The tiny japanese water crystals love the contained nitrogen and need it for the fermentation process. Attention: Please note that your selected fruit should be untreated. Use organic fruits or at least make sure that it is free from antioxidants like sulphur dioxide. The culture is not compatible with these additives. We have tried water kefir with many fruits and issued appropriate recommendations.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty fruits now!
Take advantage of our many years of experience and look around at our shop for your favourite dry fruit. In this connection we like to call our fruits like dates, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, chokeberry, goji berries taste refiner. Discover the world of dried fruits and order your favourite for your next kefir batch. Your grains will love it.
2 lemon slices (organic but at least untreated)
For successfully making your own batch you need organic but at least untreated lemons. Before using the lemons it should be cleaned with lukewarm water. After that cut it into slices. You can cutt it into halves, thirds, quarters whatever you prefer.
The citron slices have the following essential task: By adding the citron slices the whole batch with the kefir grains should get acidified. In this way undesired bacteria is not able to settle in the batch. Furthermore the taste of lemons should not be discounted. This slightly contributes to the pleasant fruity-acidic aroma of the ready beverage.
1 litre water
At this point a new questions also intrude upon us, above all whether we have no good water? And is it really necessary to transport water throughout Europe over thousands of kilometres all across the continent. However, there is a very easy solution. Drinking water taken directly from the tap in your kitchen. Yes, precisely because thanks to numerous studies now one thing is certain: Tab water is by far the best controlled food in Germany and can easily compete with commercial water from the supermarket. Particularly with regard to significant factors like mineral content and taste is our domestic drinking water at least as well as any table water.
A fermentation vessel made of plastic, glas or pottery
Your container should be made of glas, pottey, stoneware or plastic. Under no circumstances it should be made of metal. Our experience has shown that clip top jars are very well suited to make kefir. Simply dismantle the metal clip and arrange the glas lid with the sealing on the jar. If you need to know how to dismantle the metal clip just click here.
The practical and suitable clip to jar you can order her. There is a great advantage of this jar. You no longer need neither cling film nor rubber band. That saves money and conserves our environment because the jar with the sealing has a long lifetime while cling film is more a disposable item.
A rubber band
If you use cling film to cover the fermentation tank you can take a conventional rubber band to fix it.
Some cling film
At this point you can use conventional cling film.
A sieve made from plastic
You should use a sieve made from plastic, because the kefir grains don't like to be rinsed through a metal sieve.
A spoon made from plastic
The spoon also mustn't made from metal. Most suitable is plastic or even a wooden one.
A funnel made from plastic
To prevent making a mess you should use a funnel to fill the kefir drink into your bottle. This item should also made from plastic.
A glas or a bottle
To store your delicious kefir beverage we recommend a glas or a bottle made from glas. If you put the strainer in the funnel you can easily fill your jars with the finished kefir and store it in the refrigerator.
You are new in water kefir production?
You just need to order our complete water kefir starter kit. In this package everything you need to start your water kefir production at home is included! Just unpack it and get started.
â–º Just click here to get to our complete Water Kefir Starter Kit!
It is perfect for your own and moreover an ideal gift for your friends. We frequently experience that customer order the grains for partner, parents and grandparents. Many elderly people are very pleased about a kefir or kombucha package because they often know it from their childhood connected wonderful memories with these tiny grains.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
What procedure do I have to follow to produce the delicious probiotic water kefir drink easy at home? The detailed guidance with many tips and tricks.
Fill the vessel with the desired volume of water, add about 80 g sugars per litre and stir it until the sugar is completely dissolved
At first clean your fermentation tank thoroughly and remove all detergent residues. Japanese water crystals doesn't like detergent residues just as little as metallic objects, because it has a negativ impact on the well-being of the grains. Add water and sugar into your fermentation vessel. Now stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Besides dried fruits sugar is another food resource for the kefir grains. With regard to sugar you are spoilt for choice respectively it is simply about your individual taste. Basically you can use ordinary white refined sugar, brown sugar, row cane sugar, whole cane sugar, coconut blossom sugar, agave syrup, sugar beet syrup just to mention a few. It is interesting that row cane sugar and whole cane sugar contain a part molasses. You can also use a mixture of molasses and white sugar. The particular aspect of molasses is the effect of the ingredients. Sugar cane molasses, actually a waste product of the sugar sector is having a positive impact on the development of your kefir grains. By the way: Honey is not suitable for making kefir soda.
Add the water kefir grains (30g or 2-3 Tablespoons) without the water kefir drink.
Now add the japanese water crystals into your fermentation vessel. You need about 30g kefir respectively 2 - 3 tablespoons kefir crystals to make one litre kefir soda. The original Natural-Kefir-Drinks water kefir culture will be delivered well packaged and protected in a bisphenol-A free plastic bag. This bag includes the kefir grains and some kefir lemonade as transport liquid. Please dispose the fluid and add only the kefir grains to your fermentation jar. Ideally the sugared water has room temperature.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
Add the dried fruits and the thin slices of lemon into the jar - in our example we use tasty cranberries
Now add at least 30g of your favourite dried fruit to the in sugar water swimming kefir crystals.
The japanese water crystals love nitrogen containing dried fruits like dates, figs, raisins etc. On the other hand it is also necessary for the whole fermentation process. Please ensure to use only untreated fruits. That means organic or at least fruits without antioxidants like sulphur dioxide. In Addition to that please add slim lemon slices to the batch. Before using the lemon you should wash it with lukewarm water. You can cut it into halves, thirds, quarters - whatever you prefer.
All dried fruits were tested by ourself for a simple reason. Just in case we are 100% convinced of a product we offer it to the water kefir community.
Believe us: In our wide selection of fruits you will find your favourite. Please browse through our great dry fruit assortment.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty fruits now!
The citron slices have the following essential task: By adding the citron slices the whole batch with the kefir grains should get acidified. In this way undesired bacteria is not able to settle in the batch. Furthermore the taste of lemons should not be discounted. This slightly contributes to the pleasant fruity-acidic aroma of the ready beverage.
The high quality cranberries used for the water kefir batch are very well suited for the manufacturing of water kefir and were tested a verified by the Natural-Kefir-Drinks team. You can conveniently order organic cranberries at the best possible price in our online shop - That means for your: a considerably higher level of comfort and safety.
Now cover the vessel with the wrapping film and the elastic band - the formed carbonic acid must be able to escape (!).
Now all ingredients have been added into the glas and you only have to cover it. At this point we are frequently asked about the right procedure:
Close the jar in a way that the pressure created by the kefir batch can escape.
The fermentation container must be sealed in such a way that no oxygen can penetrate the batch and simultaneously the pressure created by the water kefir batch can escape. At this point you should know that water kefir ferments just like water kefir. It is an anaerobic fermentation. That means that no oxygen is needed for the whole process.
It's quite the opposite - The presence of oxygen can reduce the fermentation or even completely prevent it. This fact is decisive for successfully make your own water kefir at home. The crucial point within the process is to don't let oxygen in the jar and simultaneously let the carbonic acid escape. At this point there are basically several solutions:
If you use a jar with screw cap: Twist the lid slightly - but only until you feel a slight resistance.
If you use plastic wrap with a rubber band - just fix the plastic wrap with the rubber band on the vessel.
If you use a clip top jar - we occasionally are asked how to handle this jar. In particular, it is frequently asked how to dismantle the metal clip. We have taken this frequently asked question as an occasion to create a new article about how to dismantle the metal clip. So if you have decided to buy the high-quality 1,14L jar you can read the notes concerning dismantling the clip here. After successfully dismantling the metal clip you now have the glas cover and the rubber sealing. The usage is really very simple - just put the lid with the installed sealing on the jar. The weight of the lid and the sealing ensure that it is close.
Place it to at a place at room temperature
After water, sugar, dried fruits, lemon slices and japanese water crystals were stored airtight - cut off from the outside world - please place it on a light protected place at room temperature. Some kefir friends expose their batch direct sunlight. Then the fermentation process really smarten, but that need not always be good. With the slogan "A good thing takes time" we recommend to place the fermentation jar in a sun protected place.
That is a good sign. Depending on how comfortable the grains are they start building bubbles sooner or later. You can also slowly recognise how the dried cranberries start sucking itself with water and reach their original size. Furthermore you will observe how the batch turns the colour into reddish-yellowish.
The ingredients of the cranberries dissolve and settle at the bottom or the jar. The fruits dance up and down while fermenting because of the ascending carbon dioxide. One day later the whole batch is reddish turbid coloured - an excellent indication.
The basic recipe states a fermentation duration of 1 - 2 days, but you are the only one that determine how long the batch ferments.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
One thing is fact: The longer the fermentation process lasts, the less sugar is in the ready kefir lemonade. Of course the drink tastes less sweet from day to day - but rather more sour. And exactly that is the unique advantage of making your own fermented drink at home. If you are not sure, then let the batch ferment for 1 - 2 days and try the drink. Is it appealing to your personal taste to sweet, that let it ferment for another day und try again.
Depending on the season of the year the fermentation duration can differ. In summer, while higher temperatures, your batch perhaps reached your favourite taste after 2 days. In winter, while lower temperatures, it may happen to last 3 days because lower temperatures require longer fermentation time. Japanese water crystals are a natural product and respond to light, temperature, movement etc.
It is a living microorganisms, please be aware about that. But exactly that is what makes the beverage so unique and perfect. When you have decided that your kefir soda is ready, you can fill it up into glasses. If you want to drink it immediately you can serve it with a decanter.
Depending on how successfully the fermentation process was, the ready kefir lemonade contains more or less carbon dioxide. It therefore makes sense to fill the water kefir into bottles and let it ferment again for a while. You will be amazed how much carbon dioxide can develope in this way.
After 1 - 3 days the fermentation process has completed and you can fill it into another glass or into bottles.
Remove the dried fruits and the slices of lemon.
It lasts only 1 - 3 day and the japanese water crystals made a delicious kefir soda just from ordinary ingredients. Now, the moment has arrived and you can enjoy the ready lemonade. You just have to separate the water saturated fruits, lemon slices and kefir grains from the ready kefir beverage. Therefore you can simply use your sieve, funnel, bottle and the full fermentation jar. Pure the batch thoroughly through sieve and funnel into the bottle.
In this way fruits, lemon slices and kefir grains remain in the sieve and the lemonade flows in your bottle. Now you can select the fruits and the citrons out of the sieve. You can also pick up the fruits out of the batch before separating. The order of course is up to you. After that you can squeeze the kefir saturated fruits and citron slices so that the liquid additionally enriches your kefir soda. If you want to fill bottles, just filled it until four fifths of its capacity. While after fermentation in the bottles a lot of carbon dioxide develops - so it perhaps last a long time to open the bottle - without excessive foaming.
Rinse the water kefir grains thoroughly with cold to lukewarm water
In a best case scenario now only kefir grains remain in the batch. Our experience has shown that always small elements of fruits remain among the kefir crystals. With regard to figs it is always these tiny granules. Select these granules and wash the crystals thoroughly with cold to lukewarm water. You have surely noticed that the kefir crystals have grown. How fast they grow strongly depends on the water quality and the used sugar. Sometimes the grains have to get used to the new water quality at the beginning. That does not necessarily mean that low growth indicates poor water quality, but rather that the grains have to get used to it. With this knowledge it is much easier to give the japanese water crystals sufficient time to become acclimatized. If we human move to another city we also need time to get used to the new environment.
Clean the fermentation vessel thoroughly with washing up liquid and subsequently rinse it with hot water.
Now you can start again from step one
We wish you lots of fun making your own kefir at home. Benefit from the extraordinary effect on your taste buds. Your health is dear to our hearts. If you have any complaints or if your are unsure whether kefir is suitable for you - please consult your physician or alternative practitioners first.
Please note that the culture mustn't get in contact with objects of metal. For this reason please use utensils like spoon, sieve etc. made from plastic.
Attention: In case it ever happens that your batch doesn't smells fruity acidic but rather moldy smelly please dispose the batch down the drain (only the kefir beverage - not the grains). Clean your fermentation jar, rinse the culture and make a new kefir batch.
When dealing with water kefir grains (japanese water crystals) - what should be noted in general?
Cleanness and hygiene are major aspects when handling with water kefir grains. For this reason all equipment that comes in contact with the kefir should be cleaned thoroughly. Always use dishwashing detergent. Make sure that all chemical residues are removed with clear water. Just as the grains don't like metal they react very sensitively to chemical residues.
Don't forget: Wash hands thoroughly!
In order not to unnecessarily burden the kefir culutre please avoid handling the grains with your hand. Prefer using a plastic spoon.
All about Kefir and Kombucha @ Youtube
Valuable Tipps and frequently asked questions around the cultures kombucha and kefir you will find on our youtube channel.
Visit us on Youtube - just click here and learn more
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
You are new in water kefir production?
You just need to order our complete water kefir starter kit. In this package everything you need to start your water kefir production at home is included! Just unpack it and get started.
â–º Just click here to get to our complete Water Kefir Starter Kit!
It is perfect for your own and moreover an ideal gift for your friends. We frequently experience that customer order the grains for partner, parents and grandparents. Many elderly people are very pleased about a kefir or kombucha package because they often know it from their childhood connected wonderful memories with these tiny grains.
â–º Just click here to buy our tasty and fresh Water Kefir and make it at home easy and quick
Please note:
All tips and information provided on our website have been compiled and approved with passion and the greatest possible care. However, no guarantee can be assumed for the actuality, completeness and correctness of this information. We do not accept liability for consequential accidents or damages. We kindly ask you to apply these information and recommendations by using your personal judgement and your own experience in securely handling of foodstuff.