Milk Kefir

Sweet and sour tasty Coco Melon Kefir Curd

Coconut Melon Kefir Curd ready to eat - this recipe is an easy kefir melon curd recipe - make this sweet and sour Melon Kefir drink easy at home. Brewing Kefir can´t be more simple.

Bye bye 2016 & Welcome 2017:-) I wish you all a wonderful 2017 with much happiness, love, health and all you want for yourself. Hopefully you celebrated a happy New Year’s Eve with your favourites and started in a best possible way in the new year.

“New year, new happiness” & “The good intentions”

Soon after we passed Christmas time and digested all those delicacies we already work on how to burn off those excess calories.

At least in the planning stage in terms of good intentions. During Christmas time I always take more food than is good for me. Always with the same apologises:

“Next year I will eat much healthier in any case and due to this the calories will burn almost solely…. By the way in spring I’m gonna lent anyway.”

You certainly know about those intentions and its realization. For my part I want to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. For this reason I have made up some delicious and healthy new recipes.

Our customers often ask for new kefir recipes because some people are pretty bored enjoying pure milk kefir made with real active kefir grains.

To support your good intentions at least with regard to a healthy nutrition I want to show you how to make coconut melon kefir curd.

Kokos Melonen Kefirquark Zutaten - Köstliches Rezept mit Milchkefir - Zutaten - ganz einfach einen leckeren Drink mit Milch Kefir und Melone und Kokos herstellen - Lecker, gesund und einfach gut.

For this delicous kefir recipe you need the following:

  • 150 ml real organic milk kefir made from active kefir grains ( scoby ) – Click here for organic kefir
  • 50g coconut flakes
  • 1 honey melon
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 100g low fat curd (quark)
  • 2 EL maple syrup*

Do have all ingredients?

This is the way it is made:

  1. Bisect the melon, core it and cut it into small pieces
    Take a beautiful ripe honey melon, remove the kernels and cute the fruit pulp into bite-sized pieces.Kokos Melonen Kefirquark Zutaten - Köstliches Rezept mit Milchkefir - Zutaten - ganz einfach einen leckeren Drink mit Milch Kefir und Melone und Kokos herstellen - Lecker, gesund und einfach gut.
  2. Add kefir and low fat curd to the melon
    In this recipe I decided to take a mixture of kefir and low fat quark. In this way you will get a beautiful firm consistency. You can, of course, replace the low fat curd of this recipe with kefir made from your kefir mushrooms. If you want to know how to make really firm and viscous kefir please click here.
    As another alternative for kefir you can use self-made natural yoghurt.
  3. Fold in coconut flakes
    In best case there are some coconut flakes left from Christmas. In this recipe I decided to use normal coconut flakes although I prefer the fried variant. I you prefer fried coconut flakes as well you can refine this recipes with those ones. For this you just have to fry it in a pan until golden brown.
  4. Add some maple syrup and a half lemon to round off the taste. This ingredients give the kefir recipe a special taste. Maple syrup is available in different flavours.
Europa USA Kanada Farbe Geschmack
AA A – Light Amber Extra Light very light fine-mild
A A – Medium Amber Light light (amber) mild-aromatic
B A – Dark Amber Medium medium (amber) strong
C B Amber dark very strong
D B Dark very dark very intensive

If you want to know more about maple syrup and how to use it for making water kefir with real active japanese crystals click here

5. Depending on your personal taste you can, of course, spice it individually with syrup and lemon juice.

Mix it all and enjoy your meal!

Sweet and sour tasty Coco Melon Kefir Curd

Print Recipe
Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 20 min


  • 150 ml real organic milk kefir made from active kefir grains ( scoby )
  • 50g coconut flakes
  • 1 honey melon
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 100g low fat curd (quark)
  • 2 EL maple syrup



Bisect the melon, core it and cut it into small pieces


Add kefir and low fat curd to the melon


Fold in coconut flakes


Add some maple syrup and a half lemon to round off the taste


Depending on your personal taste you can, of course, spice it individually with syrup and lemon juice


Mix it all

Kokos Melonen Kefirquark - Köstliches Rezept mit Milchkefir - Zutaten - ganz einfach einen leckeren Drink mit Milch Kefir und Melone und Kokos herstellen - Lecker, gesund und einfach gut.

I like this healthy kefir recipe. The mixture of sweet honey melon and maple syrup and sour lemon and kefir makes this meal very special. PS: It is up to you whether the kefir is mild or sour!!! For more information click here. 

Have a lot of fun and success with cooking the recipe. I’m looking forward to your opinion about this milk kefir recipe.

Do you have ideas? Then send it to us – please write a comment what do you think about this article.

See you!


Watch this video and many more regarding Kefir and Kombucha on my Youtube channel…


* This is an Affiliate-Link – Affiliate-Links are sponsored Links


Einfach klicken für all die leckeren Zutaten


  • Reply
    Tuesday January 10th, 2017 at 08:19 AM

    Rezepte mit Kefir, ein super Rezept – Danke!

    • Reply
      Wednesday January 11th, 2017 at 08:26 PM

      Gerne, schön wenn dir meine Rezepte gefallen…

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