Kefir, milk kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, do it yourself, fermentation, e-book, book.” width=”740″ height=”494″ /> Simply make kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut & Co. yourself. With lots of tips and tricks.[/caption]
Ich wünsche Dir nun viel Spaß beim nachmachen und genießen 🙂
Bis zum nächsten Rezept, Tipp oder Trick zum Thema Fermentation!
Dein Fermentationsexperte Stephan
Schau Dir doch auch einmal dieses tolle Kombucha Rezeptvideo an. Viele weitere Videos findest Du ebenfalls dort:
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If you deal with fermentation, fermented tea and especially with Kombucha, you can hardly avoid the Jun Kombucha. The synonym “champagne among the Kombuchas” alone makes very curious and you just want to try it out. At least that’s how we felt. And because it tastes so good for us, we decided to create a recipe for you so that you can enjoy jun tea too.